AS Schneider – Gauge Valves and Pressure Gauge Accesories

AS Schneider – Gauge Valves and Pressure Gauge Accesories

Ready Stock



Gauge Valves and Pressure Gauge Accessories
General Features
Body Material Options
Short Name Equivalent
Grade acc.
1 = Gauge Valves
2 = Gauge Cocks
3 = Gauge Protectors
4 = Gauge Snubbers
5 = Syphons
1 2 3 4 5
Copper Alloys Brass*1 CW614N CuZn39Pb3 S S S S
Copper Alloys Brass*1 CW617N CuZn40Pb2 S S S S
Heat Resistant
Unalloyed Steel
Carbon Steel 1.0038 S235JRG2 S
Heat Resistant
Unalloyed Steel
Carbon Steel 1.0460 P250GH S
Heat Resistant
Unalloyed Steel
Carbon Steel 1.0345 P235GH S
Stainless Steel
1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 S 31635 316Ti S S S S S
Stainless Steel
316 quadruple certified*2 1.4401 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 S 31600 316 A S S O
Stainless Steel
316 quadruple certified*2 1.4404 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 S 31603 316L A S S O
Stainless Steel
6Mo 1.4547 X1CrNiMoCuN20-18-7 S 31254 A O O
Stainless Steel
Duplex 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 S 31803 F51 A S S
Stainless Steel
Superduplex 1.4410 X2CrNiMoN25-7-4 S 32750 F53 A O O
Stainless Steel
Superduplex 1.4501 X2CrNiMoCuWn25-7-4 S 32760 F55 A O O
Nickel Based Alloys Alloy 400 2.4360 NiCu30Fe N 04400 A S S O
Nickel Based Alloys Alloy C-276 2.4819 NiMo16Cr15W N 10276 A S S O
Nickel Based Alloys Alloy 625 2.4856 NiCr22Mo9Nb N 06625 A S S O
Titanium Titan Grade 2 3.7035 Ti-II R 50400 A O O

S = Standard | O = Optional | A = Alternative

*1Brass: Body made of either CW 614N or CW 617N
*2Quadruple certified means 316 / 316L / 1.4401 / 1.4404

Standard Features

Every standard valve is factory tested hydrostatically to a requirement of no visible leakage.

Brass, carbon steel or stainless steel valve bodies are forged, except gauge snubbers in carbon steel and stainless steel. All other components are made from barstock material – syphons also made from pipe.

Certification acc. to EN 10204 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2!

Valves for sour gas service are available in accordance with NACE MR0175/MR0103 and ISO 15156. To order, contact the factory. Some of our valves are supplied according to NACE as standard.

Surface treatment of carbon steel valves and accessories: Phosphatized, Galvanized surface optional.

Optional Features
  • Valves and Accessories cleaned and lubricated for Oxygen Service Suffix used F0 and F5.
  • Valves according to DVGW.
  • Valves for Fugitive Emission Applications.

If you don‘t find your options, please contact the factory.

Continuous product development may from time to time necessitate changes in the details contained in this catalogue. AS-Schneider reserves the right to make such changes at their discretion and without prior notification. All dimensions shown in this catalogue are approximate and subject to Change.




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